Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Value scale refers to the gradual movement from Black to Gray to White. A value that is on the upper portion of the value scale is known as being “high key.” And a value that is located on the lower portion of the value scale is known as “low key.”

Arrangement of the these values, their quantities, and their shape can indicate light direction, intensity, and object tactility. A value scale drawing is bound by the number of values chosen, the more chosen, the more accurate the representation.Within a value scale drawing, boundaries between individual shape are left. This allows the value gradation to be seen clearly. It yields a graphic representation of the object.

Value scale- low to high.

A Value Finder- a tool to assist in discerning a true isolated value amidst many. This tool allows the viewer to locate the value within the viewing hole and see it unaffected. Within most complex value relationships of a subject, there is a lot of simultaneous contrast, and fluting making it difficult to see accurately. This Vale Finder is about a 5 on the Value scale- middle.

A simple cup with illumination from the left.

The same cup rendered into a 9 value scale representation. Notice the gradations along the cylinder base. Each value has shape and is progressively darker than the one to its immediate left, allowing the gradation to be seen. The gradation also informs the viewer to the surface of the object. In this case the side of the cup is smooth and curved. The rim of the cup shows a stark transition from interior light to exterior dark, this shows the surface has a dramatic plane shift. Placement, shape, and quantity, indicate how the light is falling over the surface.

This is a representation of the value scale drawing as outlines or boundaries. Value is what gives light information and adds to form.

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